Tuesday, December 03, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Henning Wagenbreth
Um livraço!
Robert Louis Stevenson
Robin and Ben: Or, the Pirate and the Apothecary
Come, lend me an attentive ear
A startling moral tale to hear,
Of Pirate Rob and Chemist Ben,
And different destinies of men.
Deep in the greenest of the vales
That nestle near the coast of Wales,
The heaving main but just in view,
Robin and Ben together grew,
Together worked and played the fool,
Together shunned the Sunday school,
And pulled each other’s youthful noses
Around the cots, among the roses.
Together but unlike they grew;
Robin was rough, and through and through
Bold, inconsiderate, and manly,
Like some historic Bruce or Stanley.
Ben had a mean and servile soul,
He robbed not, though he often stole.
He sang on Sunday in the choir,
And tamely capped the passing Squire.
At length, intolerant of trammels -
Wild as the wild Bithynian camels,
Wild as the wild sea-eagles - Bob
His widowed dam contrives to rob,
And thus with great originality
Effectuates his personality.
Thenceforth his terror-haunted flight
He follows through the starry night;
And with the early morning breeze,
Behold him on the azure seas.
The master of a trading dandy
Hires Robin for a go of brandy;
And all the happy hills of home
Vanish beyond the fields of foam.
Ben, meanwhile, like a tin reflector,
Attended on the worthy rector;
Opened his eyes and held his breath,
And flattered to the point of death;
And was at last, by that good fairy,
Apprenticed to the Apothecary.
So Ben, while Robin chose to roam,
A rising chemist was at home,
Tended his shop with learnèd air,
Watered his drugs and oiled his hair,
And gave advice to the unwary,
Like any sleek apothecary.
Meanwhile upon the deep afar
Robin the brave was waging war,
With other tarry desperadoes
About the latitude of Barbadoes.
He knew no touch of craven fear;
His voice was thunder in the cheer;
First, from the main-to’-gallan’ high,
The skulking merchantmen to spy -
The first to bound upon the deck,
The last to leave the sinking wreck.
His hand was steel, his word was law,
His mates regarded him with awe.
No pirate in the whole profession
Held a more honourable position.
At length, from years of anxious toil,
Bold Robin seeks his native soil;
Wisely arranges his affairs,
And to his native dale repairs.
The Bristol Swallow sets him down
Beside the well-remembered town.
He sighs, he spits, he marks the scene,
Proudly he treads the village green;
And, free from pettiness and rancour,
Takes lodgings at the ‘Crown and Anchor.’
Strange, when a man so great and good
Once more in his home-country stood,
Strange that the sordid clowns should show
A dull desire to have him go.
His clinging breeks, his tarry hat,
The way he swore, the way he spat,
A certain quality of manner,
Alarming like the pirate’s banner -
Something that did not seem to suit all -
Something, O call it bluff, not brutal -
Something at least, howe’er it’s called,
Made Robin generally black-balled.
His soul was wounded; proud and glum,
Alone he sat and swigged his rum,
And took a great distaste to men
Till he encountered Chemist Ben.
Bright was the hour and bright the day
That threw them in each other’s way;
Glad were their mutual salutations,
Long their respective revelations.
Before the inn in sultry weather
They talked of this and that together;
Ben told the tale of his indentures,
And Rob narrated his adventures.
Last, as the point of greatest weight,
The pair contrasted their estate,
And Robin, like a boastful sailor,
Despised the other for a tailor.
‘See,’ he remarked, ‘with envy, see
A man with such a fist as me!
Bearded and ringed, and big, and brown,
I sit and toss the stingo down.
Hear the gold jingle in my bag -
All won beneath the Jolly Flag!’
Ben moralised and shook his head:
‘You wanderers earn and eat your bread.
The foe is found, beats or is beaten,
And, either how, the wage is eaten.
And after all your pully-hauly
Your proceeds look uncommon small-ly.
You had done better here to tarry
Apprentice to the Apothecary.
The silent pirates of the shore
Eat and sleep soft, and pocket more
Than any red, robustious ranger
Who picks his farthings hot from danger.
You clank your guineas on the board;
Mine are with several bankers stored.
You reckon riches on your digits,
You dash in chase of Sals and Bridgets,
You drink and risk delirium tremens,
Your whole estate a common seaman’s!
Regard your friend and school companion,
Soon to be wed to Miss Trevanion
(Smooth, honourable, fat and flowery,
With Heaven knows how much land in dowry),
Look at me - Am I in good case?
Look at my hands, look at my face;
Look at the cloth of my apparel;
Try me and test me, lock and barrel;
And own, to give the devil his due,
I have made more of life than you.
Yet I nor sought nor risked a life;
I shudder at an open knife;
The perilous seas I still avoided
And stuck to land whate’er betided.
I had no gold, no marble quarry,
I was a poor apothecary,
Yet here I stand, at thirty-eight,
A man of an assured estate.’
‘Well,’ answered Robin - ‘well, and how?’
The smiling chemist tapped his brow.
‘Rob,’ he replied, ‘this throbbing brain
Still worked and hankered after gain.
By day and night, to work my will,
It pounded like a powder mill;
And marking how the world went round
A theory of theft it found.
Here is the key to right and wrong:
Steal little, but steal all day long;
And this invaluable plan
Marks what is called the Honest Man.
When first I served with Doctor Pill,
My hand was ever in the till.
Now that I am myself a master,
My gains come softer still and faster.
As thus: on Wednesday, a maid
Came to me in the way of trade.
Her mother, an old farmer’s wife,
Required a drug to save her life.
‘At once, my dear, at once,’ I said,
Patted the child upon the head,
Bade her be still a loving daughter,
And filled the bottle up with water.’
‘Well, and the mother?’ Robin cried.
‘O she!’ said Ben - ‘I think she died.’
‘Battle and blood, death and disease,
Upon the tainted Tropic seas -
The attendant sharks that chew the cud -
The abhorred scuppers spouting blood -
The untended dead, the Tropic sun -
The thunder of the murderous gun -
The cut-throat crew - the Captain’s curse -
The tempest blustering worse and worse -
These have I known and these can stand,
But you - I settle out of hand!’
Out flashed the cutlass, down went Ben
Dead and rotten, there and then.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Friday, October 18, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Schubertstraße 20, Tel. 069/747969.
De terça a domingo de 10:00 as 17:00hs.
Até dia 17.11. 2013
Struwwelpeter é o nosso João Felpudo
João Felpudo,
Nau Catarineta,
Roger Mello,
Monday, October 07, 2013
Friday, August 30, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Lula Palomanes no Museu do Trabalho!
Inaugura dia 23 de julho, terça, às 19 horas
"Para Lula, o desenho é algo tão natural como respirar. Ele assume o desenho desde pequeno,
tornando-se o desenhista da classe e da família. Parece que é mais um destino que uma opção.
Quando criança, costumava desenhar com lápis, o mesmo utilizado para ensinar a escrever,
e hoje ele ainda usa grafite para desenhar, não permitindo que o uso desse material torne-se um
obstáculo ou uma escolha para sua expressão. A beleza e a precisão do seu desenho combinam
perfeitamente com o ritmo e a composição do espaço e da representação. Na exuberância barroca
das cenas não há excessos. O desenho completo, em todos os seus detalhes, parece vir de um
único gesto, em um único instante, evitando a cena para dispersar em sua unidade ou a desaparecer se
não for fixado de forma precisa. O resultado desta ação é frágil e instável, denso e saturado, abstrato e
real. O desenho mantém-se em fase de expressão rápida e nos convence de sua permanência e veracidade.
Este fluxo retido, somente possível no instantâneo fotográfico, contradiz-se no fato de que Lula elabora seu trabalho de forma minuciosa e detalhada, com todas as slowlyness que a técnica exige. trata-se de um trabalho que, antes dele, a indiferença não é permitido." Trecho de texto de Rubem Grilo, de 2009.
Lula Palomanes é integrante da geração que estabeleceu uma ponte entre a imprensa alternativa e a chamada grande imprensa, publicou seus primeiros desenhos em O Pasquim, em 1983, e depois trabalhou em O Globo e no Jornal do Brasil. Publicou, ainda, no jornal Folha de São Paulo e nas revistas Gráfica, Vip, Ímã e Nebelfpalter (Suíça).
Fez capas para as editoras Zahar, Record e Rocco, ilustrou as revistas Seleções, Playboy e Ciência Hoje.
Em 1999 a Society for News Design (na sua exposição anual, The Best of Newspaper Design) conferiu medalha de prata por sua caricatura de Gore Vidal, publicada no jornal
O Globo. Com grande sensibilidade e versatilidade, ele também ilustrou vários livros infantis, além de participar de várias exposições coletivas. Atualmente publica em Ciência Hoje das Crianças, Revista Ciência Hoje, Jornal Valor Econômico e Revista do Teatro (SBAT).
Como ilustrador, Lula instituiu um aspecto autoral para o desenho, protegendo-o de uma submissão ao texto e dando força e rosto ao ilustrador. Na exposição em Porto Alegre, apresentará desenhos de todas as épocas de sua produção, feitos em grafite, nanquim, pastel, aquarela e acrílica, em diversos formatos e tamanhos.
Em exposição até 1º de setembro de 2013
Rua dos Andradas, 230
CEP 90020-000 - Porto Alegre - RS - BRASIL
Tel/fax (51) 3227-5196
Visitação: de terça-feira a domingo, das 13h 30min às 18h 30min.
CEP 90020-000 - Porto Alegre - RS - BRASIL
Tel/fax (51) 3227-5196
Visitação: de terça-feira a domingo, das 13h 30min às 18h 30min.
Lula Palomanes
Monday, July 01, 2013
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Monday, April 08, 2013
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